Being the best parent that you can be, and raising your children to be the best people they can be, is THE MOST important responsibility you will have in your life… I believe this wholeheartedly, without reservation, unequivocally, absolutely, and without doubt (…OK, OK, I’m sure you’ve got the point!)
The thing is, most new parents, and even the seasoned pros, aren’t given that magical “parenting checklist” or that “fail-safe parental blueprint” when we start out on this wonderful, fantastic, frustrating, overwhelming, joyous, heart-breaking, demoralizing, and uplifting journey called parenting.
The truth is, when we go home from the hospital with our new bundle of joy, all full of optimism, hope, and inspiration, most of us are oblivious to the worry, heartache, confusion, and difficulty that we will inevitably face. As our children grow, develop, and mature, their needs will change, their natural desire for independence will grow, and they will be influenced more-and-more by the world “outside” of you!
When these moments do come (and they will), having the right knowledge, tools, and attitude, coupled with your own strong desire to be a good parent (and of course your love), will put you in the perfect place to make strong, wise, and positive parenting decisions.
Pre-arming yourself with awareness, strategies, techniques, and planning, will ensure that you are not just “winging” it when it comes to making wise parenting decisions during some of the most important and influential years of both yours and your child’s life.

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Fantastic Parenting Strategies For Behavior Change
So, what are some of the strategies, techniques, and planning that you can follow to give your child a solid base to grow from?
Well here at RewardingKids, our focus is on providing parents with the sort of parenting strategies, tips, and tools that relate specifically to areas of parenting such as:
- Positive discipline
The concept of consequence, solutions instead of punishment, respect through kindness whilst being firm, timeout.
- Behavior modification techniques
Observational learning (modeling, social learning), behavior change through positive reinforcement.
- Positive parenting
Effective use of positive discipline, creating and nurturing a positive learning environment, effective and appropriate praising, parenting with love and respect.
- Positive reinforcement tools
Reward charts, token economy, chore charts, behavior contracts, behavior charts.
- Child behavior
Stages of child development, child behavior problems, when to be concerned, what’s normal anyway?
And as you browse further throughout this site (IF you browse further :-)), you will find the two fundamental concepts that resonate are:
…Children will ultimately respond better to positive consequences.
…Behavior is either strengthened or weakened by it’s consequences.
While navigating the complexities of parenthood, child behavior, and raising children, can at times seem overwhelming, it is important to remember that ultimately YOU are the expert on YOUR child. Sure, child behavior experts have devoted decades into studying and researching the various child behavioral fields, yet there are still many contrary opinions and practices.
Having good information, the right focus, and the right inclination can help negate the overwhelm that we all experience as parents. Listen to the experts, take their advice, but at the end-of-the-day have faith in your parenting… After all, who knows your child as well as you?